0117 235 5354

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 Start Your Weight Loss Journey Now!

Weight loss surgery

At Verve Health Group our clinical team are experts in delivering world class care for surgical patients.

  • Gastric Band
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y)
  • Mini Gastric Bypass

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The Verve team have totally changed my life for the better, in all sorts of ways I had never imagined.

Medicative Weight loss

At Verve Health Group our medical obesity experts are dedicated to helping you achieve fast and sustainable weight loss results without the worry of increasing costs as your dosage changes.

  • Flexible appointment options
  • Transparent pricing structure
  • Additional support services

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Verve Health Group provides a comprehensive approach to lifestyle management.

  • Wellbeing Consultation
  • Specialist Dietician Support
  • Mindful eating
  • Specialist Clinical Psychology Support

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The Allurion Programme

Looking for a non-surgical alternative to weight loss?
A safe and effective procedure that works by taking up room in the stomach to reduce cravings and portion sizes.

  • No Surgery
  • No Endoscopy
  • No Anesthesia
  • 20 minute procedure/placement time

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Coping after surgery

Learning to live with bariatric surgery takes time. At Verve Health Group we provide access to surgeons, dietitians and psychologists after your surgery.

  • Post-Operative Support
  • Specialist Dietician Support
  • Wellbeing & Psychological Support
  • Workshops

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Verve ensure that you're making an informed choice at every step of the way. You feel like you are making the journey together.

Aftercare packages

We offer a range of effective and sustainable plans, built around your needs, providing you access to high quality treatment and care you deserve.

  • Clinical support
  • Post-surgery check-up
  • Comprehensive nutritional blood monitoring
  • Online or in-person appointment

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Verve provided information and support when needed, as well as encouraging and motivating me throughout my weight loss journey.
Spire Healthcare
Nuffield Health
Sulis Hospital Bath
St Joseph's Hospital

Not only leading healthier lives, but much happier ones.

At Verve Health Group, we understand that the control of bodyweight is a complex but largely genetic issue, and that losing weight can be extremely difficult and demoralising. We can help with weight loss interventions and provide transformational changes for people living with obesity.

How we support you

Weight loss surgery

Experts in delivering world class care for surgical patients

The Allurion Programme

Take care of your hunger with the Allurion Balloon

Medication for weight loss

Weight loss intervention tailored for you


A happier, healthier life. Providing a comprehensive approach to lifestyle management.

Patient hub

Are you struggling with weight regain after bariatric surgery?

A quick guide to refocusing on what works

What about another drink?

Advice about alcohol when you are using weight loss medication or after bariatric surgery

Weight Loss Medication - FAQ

Our clinical team has answered the questions we most frequently get asked about weight loss medication.

Weight Loss Medication - FAQ
Verve Health Group Useful Information

Meet the team at Verve Health Group

Click each individual team member to view their expertise...

Mr Alan Osborne

Consultant Surgeon

Specialising in weight loss and bariatric surgery

Email Alan

Mr James Hewes

Consultant Surgeon

Specialising in obesity and bariatric surgery

Email James

Dafydd Wilson-Evans

Specialist Dietitian & Practitioner

Specialising in obesity, bariatric surgery, weight management and diabetes

Email Dafydd

Mr Hari Nageswaran

Consultant Upper GI and Bariatric Surgeon

Specialising in the upper gastrointestinal tract with particular interest in obesity and metabolic surgery

Email Hari

Dr Vanessa Snowdon-Carr

Clinical Psychologist

Specialising in obesity, bariatric surgery and weight management

Email Vanessa

Jeanette Lamb

Registered Dietitian


Email Jeanette

Dr Kai Tan

Dr Kai Tan

Consultant Endocrinologist


Email Dr Kai Tan

For further information on how the Verve Health Group surgery team can help you,
contact us on 0117 235 5354 or email

Download the Verve Health Group leaflet

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"There is nothing that I can say needs improvement - from start to finish I have received amazing care and I cannot find one fault."

"Not only leading healthier lives, but much happier ones. The Verve team, and especially Mr Osborne, have totally changed my life for the better, in all sorts of ways that I had never imagined, since October 2022, and I cannot thank them enough."

"They ensure that you are making an informed choice at every step of the way. You feel like you are making the journey together."

"Available out of office hours for information and support when needed as well as encouraging and motivating."

"From the very get-go Verve were amazing. My initial consultation with Mr Osborne left me feeling so comfortable and at ease. I knew from then, should all go well I knew Alan would take great care of me."

"My appointments with Dafydd (Dietician) and Vanessa (Psychologist) were incredible. Again, I was immediately at ease, all my questions were answered. All of these appointments made me realise I'd made the right decisions in choosing Verve Health Group to support me on this journey.”

Accreditation & Membership

General Medical CouncilI Want Great CareAssociation of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and IrelandBritish Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society Royal College of SurgeonsNational Bariatric Surgery Registry
